We Are Here

"Thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity which has borne fruit.

To be in the company of other poets in this

anthology roots me in a place of

joy and contentment."


"What a wonderful collection of poetry.
I am so happy to be included.
Being part of Orenaug Mountain Publishing
has been a pleasure for me."

"Congratulations for creating

Thank you so much for 

publishing my work and sharing this

wonderful poetry collectionwith me. 

The book cover too looks amazing. 

Also, a big congratulations
to all my fellow authors who have

contributed in this book."


This collection of poems explores the power of place to shape identity. The poets consider place through a variety of lenses, and their voices from around the world will delight and challenge the reader. Each poem is an invitation to consider what it means to be here.



Katie Baker

Alan Bern

David Bigham

Betty Lou Bowles

Sandy Lee Carlson

Jan Chronister

Julie Cook

Sarah Das Gupta

Edward Dzitko

George Faulkner, Sr.

Diane Funston

Samuel Gluck

Ken Gosse

Jeff Hatfield

Adair Heitmann

Lorraine Jeffery

B. Fulton Jennes

Thomasina Levy

LindaAnn LoSchiavo

Randy Mazie

Joan McNerney

Ken Meisel

Scott Moore

Bonnie Morrissay

Heather Nelson

Alex Andy Phuong

Joyce Ritchie

Bob Rosenbloom

Sangita Roy

Angela Siew

Prithvijeet Sinha

Eric Sparrow

Jonathan Chibuike Ukah

Lynn White