Themed Anthologies

Themed Anthologies

Orenaug Mountain Publishing will produce themed anthologies throughout the year based on submissions to the journal, or to the anthology specifically. Join our Google Group to learn about upcoming themes.

While we cannot pay for your contributions at this time, we can offer you a publishing credit and provide you with a PDF copy of the book.

In the future, we hope to be able to provide you with a complimentary copy and a small stipend. Until then, we hope you'll join us as we continue to build our journal and poetry community.

PLACE - Call for submissions!

We invite you to contribute a poem that reflects the culture, environment, or climate of wherever you are. We are thrilled to have contributors from around the world in our anthologies and in the online journal, and we hope to celebrate our diversity of place through this challenge. 

Publication online and in a collection printed in the fall.

DEADLINE: August 31
  • Submit one or two poems, your  50-word bio, website address (or Facebook or LinkedIn profile), and Instagram name.
  • If you have previously submitted for an anthology or the online journal, please note so in the bio field, unless you have a new one you'd like included in this anthology.
  • Please keep your bios to 50 words or fewer. Use your website or social media media profiles to let readers learn more about you.
  • If you don't have any Internet presence to share, enter NA in the appropriate fields.

Previous Anthologies

When you purchase at least one copy through the Lulu bookstore, you support our efforts and the Orenaug Mountain Poetry Journal. Please consider doing so. Thank you.