The Galilean Moons

The Galilean Moons

The Galilean moons came visiting.
Here’s Io, Ganymede, Europa with
Callisto, cloaked in light, a splendid sight.

My failures tied me to life’s dimmer side.

Divine they looked, celestial guests, designed
Recontured in my living room, set free,
Now reinvented from the sky.  Grouped here
They’re calibrated to astound—just like
All private acts of faith now taking place
Under our safe-hold sky, each rotating
In dark acceptance, goodwill’s influence.

“Tell me what happens next? What happens next?”
My mind’s on something else besides their flight.

Four lunar beauties one by one ascend,
High arching overhead—a tension bridge
Illuminated for continued crossing.

LindaAnn LoSchiavo

Photo: Mason Kimbarovsky on Unsplash

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