Who You Be?

Who You Be?

who I be?
oh I be black
black as beautiful
black as delicate
black as melody
black as song
black as dance
black as rhythm
black as rhyme
black as never being on time
black as macaroni and cheese and yams touchin'
black as cleaning music on sunday mornin'
black as sweet
black as kind
black as Imma whoop yo behind
black as breaking generational curses and removing the psychological chains from our ancestors past
black as trauma
black as blood running through yours, mine and our veins
black as bruised
black as hurt
black as pain
black as bold
black as tough
black as enough is enough
black by any means necessary
black black as strange fruit hanging from trees
black as mamas having to cry on their knees
black as struggle
black as hard
black as hell
black as heaven
black as heavenly kisses
black as melanated skin
black as kin
black as kind
black as creative mind
black as intelligent
black as powerful
black as divine
who I be?
oh I be black

Sameerah Muhsin

Photo: Mike Von on Unsplash

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