Counting By the Numbers (a Circular Senryu)

Counting By the Numbers (a Circular Senryu) 

How do I love thee
Now, let me see. One… two… three…
What was I counting?
I’m pretty sure there were two.
Your eyes, baby blue?
They were always brown, you say?
No—they weren’t one day.
In our youth once, they were green.
Something you had seen
lit a very jealous spark—
it was just a lark
but lasted long after dark
in our favorite park.
Many times I walked alone
once you picked that bone;
you said nothing could atone
for faux pas I own
so I paid a hefty fee
waiting to be free,
counting in those lonely hours
ways that I love thee.

Ken Gosse

Photo: Roozbeh Badizadegan on Unsplash

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